Thursday, August 4, 2011

Suffer some nations, ideas and civilizations bitter conflict and contradiction between justice and equity, between behavior and reality, and this contradiction is due to the lack of a balanced approach and just rely upon these nations.
 rights when
 Be are dealing with an idea, or information, or a person, group, or nation, the objective in such demand very dear citizen, are difficult to achieve; that some may deliberately conceal, or miss him is
 Defects in order of love, and the pros who does not love, and also may invoke the aid of evidence from his way, and turn a blind eye from the other.
What concerns us is to focus on the Islamic approach that balances between objectivity and justice, between behavior and give everyone his due, even if non-Muslims.  Allah says: 'O believers! Stand-up firmly by the Commandments of Allah, bearing witness with justice and let not the enmity of any people incite you that you should not do justice. Do justice that is nearer to piety and fear Allah, undoubtedly, Allah is aware of your doings. Surah Al-Maidah : Ayat 8
From Umma Salamah, may Allah be pleased that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him heard the noise off, went out with his room door he said: that I am only human, but I spend about which I hear, and perhaps one of you to have cast his argument robin I spend some of his , It spent a Muslim, for he is truly a piece of fire so take it or leave it.
The path of Islam is frank and clear in his call to deal with the other non-Muslims with justice and objectivity as required remedy.
There are signs, Muslim and clearly confirms this approach to do justice to the other, and some of them may be mentioned, for example:
1- unit of human kind: Stop Islam is clearly against all the bad filming any human component whatsoever, but made clear the unity of origin and type of human.
(Narrated by Imam Ahmad and Tirmidhi.
 He said peace be upon him: all of you to Adam and Adam from the dust).
We have established the Holy Qur'an this meaning, saying the Almighty (I have honored the sons of Adam) Al-Isra - 70. (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
 Biography books tell us that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him if he passed in front of the funeral of a non-Muslim when taken as a Jew standing up, strange companions than done, but peace be upon him say it clearly and unambiguously: not the soul).
 (Here is the Caliph Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him and recommend him to Egypt, Malik al-Ashtar says to him: and I know that people are two types, either your brother in religion or for you in the creation) Nahj - p. 427.
2 - the difference way of Allah: Allah says:  And O beloved Prophet! We have sent down to you the true Book confirming the Books preceding it and as a protector and witness over them. So judge you between them according to what Allah has sent down and O listener! Do not follow their desires leaving the truth that has come to you, We ordained a law and way for all of you, and if Allah had willed, He would have made you all a single people, but He desires to test you in what He has given you. So desire to excel in good deeds. You are all to return towards Allah, and then He shall tell you regarding what you used to dispute. Surah Al-Maidah : Ayat 48
This requires the existence of the Muslim faith, even if the other disagreed with us religiously, and we acknowledge it does not mean agreeing on what it religion.
Allah says: And if your Lord had willed He would have made all! Mankind one nation, and they will always remain differing.  Save those on whom your Lord has mercy, and for this has He created them. And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled. No doubt' I will fill hell with the jinn and mankind together. Surah Hud : Ayat 118 -119.
So diversity and plurality and differentiation and differences in other years cosmic creatures, and oneness is the only God alone for his partner.
3 - Avoid circular:
 may not be shorthand for the other non-Muslim, all in one basket, based on the actions of another, as Muslims, we must distinguish between norm and exception, and not by the Secretariat to circulate the behavior of
 Group or category within a particular civilization, and attributed this behavior to the totality of this civilization.
Allah says: All are not alike. Among the people of the Book some are those who stand right, recite the signs of Allah in the hours of night and prostrate.   Surah Al-i'Imran : Ayat 113
He also says: Among the people of the Book there is someone with whom if you keep a huge treasure in trust then he will pay it back to you, and in them there is someone, with whom if you keep in trust a single dinar then he will not repay it to you, except when you remain standing over his head. It is because they say, 'there is no responsibility over us in the matter of illiterates. And they utter a lie against Allah knowingly. Surah Al-i'Imran : Ayat 75
We note the West, how to put all Muslims in one basket, especially after the events of 11september atheist, that event by a group of Muslims by their recognition,
 Although the majority of Muslim scholars and intellectuals and preachers denounced that work, and pointed him to the position of Islam, though the West is still attributed to Islam as a religion of terrorism.
4 - Other identification and recognition: Allah says: 'O people! We created you from one man and one woman and made you branches and tribes that you may recognize one another. Undoubtedly, the most respected among you in the sight of Allah is he who is more pious, verily, Allah is knowing, Aware.    Surah Al-Hujurat : Ayat 13
The Islamic approach directed towards the recognition of the other Muslim, even under the rule of the other, as in the moment of entering a foreign country the Muslim tourists or resident, where he must abide by the laws of that country and respect for
 And controls its decisions and its year, which dealt with some contemporary scholars under the door (the jurisprudence of alienation) or (jurisprudence of minorities) and some even considered the visa (visa) as a result under which fulfill
 Including the obligations for which are acceptable, so it is not permissible to steal from their own money and the public as well as the destruction because it harms the reputation of Islam and Muslims in general, and it is a transgression of the era and insidious, and breach of visa requirements.
5 - Of understanding with the other:
Not getting understanding, without contact, but not getting to communicate if it is not preceded by the recognition, for this Faalantalaq from the base of incorrect information would lead to the basis for a clear relationship with the other.
The eighth Muslims and they translate the achievements of the other mothers of Greek thought until they did not hesitate to give "Aristotle," the title of "first teacher", while Ptlguib Valsovhm Farabi were satisfied with "second teacher". Perhaps many of the curricula of Arab and Islamic spared no effort in giving large areas of the civilization of the other, especially Western ones, were not the names of Aristotle "and" Plato "and" Newton "and" Einstein "and" John Dewey "and" Toynbee "and other flags knowledge, science and civilization in the West, but it is full of examples of what these approaches, while not doing such a curriculum Bank, which omitted the names of dozens of Arab scholars. and Muslims who have preferred to Western civilization itself, like al-Biruni, Jabir ibn Hayyan, Ibn Sina and Khwarizmi and Ibn al-Haytham, Ibn al-Nafis, and dozens of people who scored his lead in this field or that, which reveals the extent of what is involved in the curriculum of ignorance or disregard).
6- The need for cooperation with the other:
 understanding with the other is the natural approach to access the collaboration, and cooperation have been framed by utilitarian considerations, without heed to any of the religious differences, as long as that cooperation based on the basis of exchange of interests is one of the laws of creation. Allah says: Do they distribute the mercy of your Lord? We have distributed their livelihood among them in the life of the world and have raised some of them over others in degrees, that in between them one may laugh at the other. And the mercy of your Lord is better than that they amass. ListenSurah Az-Zukhruf : Ayat 32Read phonetically
Islam has been a pioneer in the field of cooperation with the other in many areas, taking and giving. and cooperation with others could include many of today's scientific, economic, technical, etc., and can in this context, conclude treaties and bilateral agreements and regional and international, provided that it not be in violation of the rules of legitimacy and public interests.
Allah says: Listen
Read phonetically
And help each other in righteousness and piety, and help not one another in sin and transgression and remain fearing Allah. Undoubtedly, the torment of Allah is severe. Surah Al-Maidah : Ayat 2
7 - Equity and Justice: Allah says: 'O believers! Stand-up firmly by the Commandments of Allah, bearing witness with justice and let not the enmity of any people incite you that you should not do justice. Do justice that is nearer to piety and fear Allah, undoubtedly, Allah is aware of your doings. Surah Al-Maidah : Ayat 8
He also says: Undoubtedly, Allah commends you to pay back the trusts to their owners, and that when you judge amongst people, judge with justice. Undoubtedly how well Allah admonishes you, verily Allah Hears Sees. Surah An-Nisaa : Ayat 58
Exposure to what has previously not only theories, not words written in terms, but was a reality and behavior of Muslims dealt with by a non-Muslim,
 and the books to remember hundreds of positions that emphasize justice, objectivity and fairness in dealing with the other.
I will review some of these attitudes which are in face of Dora in human history.
1 - justice for the oppressed: Allah says: O beloved! (Prophet) undoubtedly, We have sent down to you the Book with truth that you may judge amongst people as you are shown by Allah. And quarrel not from the side of deceivers. And seek forgiveness of Allah. Undoubtedly Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. And dispute not for those who deceive their souls. Undoubtedly, Allah loves not any big deceitful sinner. They hide from men, but hide not from Allah and Allah is with them when they design in their hearts that thing which is disliked by Allah. And Allah has encompassed their doings. (Do you hear?) it is you who have contended on behalf of them in the life of this world; then who will contend on behalf of them with Allah on the Day of Judgment or who will be their pleader. And whoso does evil or wrongs his own soul, thereafter seeks forgiveness of Allah shall find Allah Forgiving, s Merciful. And whoso earns sin, then his earning is against his own soul only. And Allah is knowing and Wise. And whoso earns, a fault or sin, then casts it upon any innocent, certainly he has borne a calumny and a clear sin. And O beloved! (Prophet) If there had not been the grace and mercy of Allah upon you, then some people of them had wished to defraud you. And they are misleading themselves only and they will not hurt you in anything. And Allah has sent down to you the Book and Wisdom and has taught to you what you did not know and great is the grace of Allah upon you.  Surah An-Nisaa : Ayat 105-113
These verses tell us the positions of greatest justice and objectivity with non-Muslims, with whom? With the Jews, the Jews who fired poisoned arrows and treacherous on Islam and Muslims, and spread lies and Albia infidels and hypocrites, and be encouraged fired rumors, and tried to mislead the people, and stabbed the Prophet hood of Muhammad peace be upon him, and questioned the inspiration, and tried to divide Muslims. and tried to kill the Prophet peace be upon him, and in spite of all these crimes, although it has signed a standing of Islam and still soft, and the residue is still ignorance, in spite of all this do justice to the Jew down the villages that they unfairly theft.
2 - Restoration of Rights: During the reign of Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz, may Allah be pleased with him, comes the woman and her name Frtona a black skin, and complain to the Caliph signed by the injustice, where a Muslim soldiers stealing her Chicken, what was the Caliph sent to the governor of Egypt Ayoub Ibn Sharhabeel, ordering him to proceed himself to restore the right of women, but those assigned to repair a wall of her house.
3 - a revolution against the injustice: It is said that one of the governors of Bani-Abbas when he entered the region of Mount Lebanon, so he evacuated from her family who are Christians,
 What was the Imam Ouzai Almighty God's mercy but that the collection of a large number of Muslims and stood up to the governor general was re-Christians to their areas.


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